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just letting you know I am all set up
i am all good as well
I am also all set up...
for tuesday 2/5 what room are we suppose to meet in?
I have set up my blog too
Hey guys, can you either post or e-mail me the addresses for your blog sites? Thanks!
Tonight on the news it was reported that “Governor Richardson’s sister-in-law has been
popped for DWI Wednesday morning. Officers arrested 52-year-old Jane Walsh near Tenth Street and Lead. Investigators say she hit a gate and then went into work like nothing happened. Police say Walsh was probably on some type of drug or medication at the time. “ This was news worth of coarse due to Richardson’s impressive stand on drunk driving. It will also be interesting to see if she receives any special privileges due to her
association with Richardson. However, that is not what I am focusing on. I am highly disgusted with the amount of DWI’s that are still occurring in NM. According to an article on the New Mexico DWI web site, Gov. Bill Richardson approved $2.6 million in new spending to increase enforcement and other measures aimed at deterring drunken driving. Furthermore, Richardson said in a news release he is "impatient when it comes to fighting DWI" . Yet, another article on the New Mexico DWI web site states that 36% of DWI
cases in Bernalillo County Metro Court are dismissed. In fact the report stated that some judges are dismissing as many as 50 percent of their cases. For example, “According to figures from January 2003 to July 2006 compiled by the center, Judge Victoria Grant dismissed 51 percent of her DWI cases, the highest dismissal rate of the judges reviewed in the report.” Other judges' dismissal rates ranged from 22 percent to 47 percent. To be included in the evaluation, judges had to have been assigned more than 100 cases each from 2003 to 2006. Some judges had over1,500 cases. I find this to be appalling in that a lot of time, money, and effort was put into getting drunk drivers of the roads simply to have judges dismiss the case. This is why it will be interesting to see what happens to one of Richardson,s relatives in the court system.
Report: 36 percent of DWI cases dismissed
Richardson's sister-in-law popped for DWI
I have posted a blog go and check it out!! go to
I set up my blog...can you let me know if i am on the right track for my postings?
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